Do you have a banner
and want me to advertise for ya??? If you don't have one yet, please go to this page to get one. Or if you don't know how to make one,
go to this page ^_^, pick a banner that you want, and
e-mail me with what you want ^_^.
Click here to add your banner to The
Banner Book
, and click here to see banners
that has been added ^_^.
Here how to paste a banner if ya don't know, just copy the code below, add
your own info, paste it on my Banner Book, and TAAADAAAA, a banner will magically appear on my
banner book O_O! Isn't that cool ^_^!!!???
Here is the code, don't forget to type in YOUR info where it's red!
<A HREF="your page's URL here (
"><IMG SRC="the URL where your banner
image is located ("
width="the width of your banner, optional but help it loads faster ^_^
" height="the height of your banner, optional like the width"
alt="The name of your page here ^_^" BORDER="0"></A>